Group Banner Image:   Worship-banner-image
Content Image 1:   Christening
Content Image 2:   School
Content Image 3:   Safe church

Children and young people at St Alfege Church

Families, children and young people are an integral part of life and worship at St Alfege Church. We aim to encourage and nurture children’s spirituality through teaching and activity, as well as through familiarity with, and inclusion in, our weekly Eucharist.

Children’s Church operates during term time and  we either have communion worship-based activities in the Hall most Sundays, and that we join the main congregation in church for all-age service.

If you would like to find out more please email Children's Church


On the first Sunday of each month, the Family Eucharist takes place in the church hall located opposite the church across the courtyard.  This is a place where the energy and enthusiasm of children of any age is welcome. It is led by either the Vicar or Curate, and follows the same format as the service in the church building. However, the hymns, prayers and teaching aim to be accessible for younger people. 

On the last Sunday of each month, the whole church family shares communion together in the main church building. Children’s church members are encouraged to welcome people to the service; to read the lesson, to take up the bread and wine at communion, and to serve alongside the clergy.

The vestry is open for very young children accompanied by their parent if they need a place to be fed, changed or to let off steam.  A speaker in the vestry enables you to follow the service.  

Collective worship 

Our children’s church meets in the church hall at 10am on the second, third, and fourth (in a five week month) Sundays of the month. We explore a different lesson each week, based on the readings used in the main church service.  The session starts at 9.55am with singing. We then join together in a simple welcoming prayer, hear a story from the bible and have a teaching session about it. The worship section finishes with prayer. Quite often there will be a related art activity available. These services start in the church hall, although we move across to the main church building to receive Communion or a Blessing.

Growing in faith 

Roughly twice a year, we run an early Admission to Communion class. Here children aged 8 and over can learn all about Holy Communion in preparation to join the regular congregation in taking communion each week. For young people over the age of 12 and adults, we also run classes (again about twice a year) to prepare for confirmation.

A safe church 

St Alfege Church works to provide a safe environment for the whole church family, especially children and adults at risk. Our Children’s church leaders have been DBS checked; we aim to arrange yearly Safeguarding and Working with Challenging Behaviour training. Full information about our safeguarding policy can be found here.


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