St Alfege with St Peter's Church of England Primary School
St Alfege with St Peter CoE Primary School is our church school, led by headteacher Mrs Amanda Wilson. Members of the clergy and congregation give their time generously as governors leading the school strategically. The clergy regularly lead Wednesday Collective Worship and assist with the RE curriculum and other governors from the church make regular visits to the school and are volunteer their time in various ways. Each term the school holds a service in the church which is led by a different year group along with the Vicar, Revd Simon Winn or Curate, Revd Tati Gutteridge. Classes regularly visit church to learn more about the Christian faith and traditions and our heritage and history.
Other ways we support the school include helping stock the foodbank each month and by our choral scholars and choir members visiting to lead singing.
We are very pleased that following a recent inspection as a Church of England School, St Alfege with St Peter's has been deemed "Outstanding".